
Grasshopper Photographs

Distribution: Brachaspis ‘lowland’ is known from 10 sites in the central Canerbury with a very restricted range from the Wilberfore River to Arthur's Pass.
Altitude Range: » Min: 560m; Boundary Stream, Wilberforce River.
» Max:  935m; Ribbonwood Stream, Lake Grasmere.
Habitat: Brachaspis ‘lowland’ has be found in; newer open riverbeds (Morris 2001, Appendix 5: Fig 4), older river terraces (Morris 2001, Appendix 5: Fig 3), large scree washout fan (Morris 2001, Appendix 5: Fig 2) and one site of Lime Stone scree at Castle Hill, Canterbury (Morris 2001, Appendix 5: Fig 1). All the sites are open rocky area with sparse vegetations.